Welcome to Cranberry Lake Border Collies CLBC.dog / CranberryLakeBorderCollies.ca

Previous Litter 🐶

Nan × Java (Born: March 12, 2023)

"Peggy Sue" (Female)

"Quinn" (Female)

"Radar" (Female)

"Sunny" (Female)

"Tyne" (Female)

"Urchin" (Female)

"Vesta" (Female)

Please email us for more info! puppies@CLBC.dog

Our Dogs 🐕🐕🐕

Nanakin "Nan" Skyewalker

The mother of our pups is Nanakin "Nan" Skyewalker. Nan came to us from Cape Breton, and is chocolate colour with long silky fur. Nan is out of a registered dam and her father is a working dog with UK origins. Since she was not registered, we had her DNA tested (Embark) to verify she was 100% Border Collie. Nan is a typical, high energy Border Collie. Nan is completely absorbed and focused when she is doing a task. But once it is complete, she just explodes in tail wagging and rolling over as if to say “OH THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!” I look at her and wish I was ever so joyful about anything! Her enthusiasm is contagious. She learns easily, but she also is very quick to figure things out for herself. No one taught her to open gates, she just caught on to that by watching me. She loves to pick up 2 balls in her mouth when we play catch. We did not teach her that, she saw our older dog doing it and spent weeks trying to master the technique. She thinks that makes her a big girl.

Java The Pup

The father of our puppies is Java the Pup, a smooth coated chocolate tri-color Border Collie, who is registered with the CBCA. He always looks quizzical: he has one ear up and one ear down. Java carries the Sp gene, which gave him his cute speckled nose as a puppy, and gives his first daughter, "Bonnie" cool white markings in her coat. Java comes from British Columbia. His father was a long haired red and his mother was a short haired blue Merle tri-colour. Java has a very steady personality, very much like a big brother to the other dogs. He is rather a serious dog, seldom barks. But when it comes to his humans, he is a big sook. If he could he would be a lap dog. He loves to cuddle early in the morning. He is the face that wakes us up every day, eager to begin the morning with a game of catch. He is very good at persuading people to play catch. He is very good at getting us up in the morning! He is a very athletic dog and learns tricks very easily.


Mhira is the "old boss" of CLBC, and plays an mainly advisory role on our board of directors at this point. Her favorite hobby is playing fetch, but only if you throw at least 2 or 3 items for her to bring back at once!

Kylo Red

The brother of Java The Pup, "Uncle Kylo" lives with another member of the family in British Columbia, but he comes to visit the rest of the CLBC pack once or twice per year.

Health & Genetic Testing 🧬

As responsible dog breeders, we made sure to perform genetic tests on our dogs, before having our first litter. Both parents have been genetically tested and are clear (non-carriers) for all of the tests listed below.

Java was tested first using PawPrint Genetics. When we got Nan, we tested using Embark, which includes over 170 different tests! Both dogs passed all of their tests, including:

About Us

Cranberry Lake Border Collies is a responsible breeder of Border Collies, located in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Border Collies have been part of our family for over 40 years, and we would like to share these wonderful pets that have given us so much joy over the years! We screen all of our potential customers to ensure that we find wonderful homes for these active and energetic pets.